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Dr. Ma’s Acupuncture Articles
The doctor-patient relationship takes affinity
written by Dr. Shouchun Ma
Translated by Zheng Li
Oct 16, 2019
One Chinese proverb said: “The doctor-patient relationship takes on a certain lover-like quality”. Now I’ll revise it as: “The doctor-patient relationship takes affinity”.
A lady, in her thirties, presented with symptoms of fatigue, daily headaches triggered by fatigue. She has to lie down to alleviate headaches. She has light and irregular menstruation. She practiced Qigong and Tai Chi for many years, yet has not finished the full (simplified) Tai Chi sequence.
Western medicine offered no clear diagnosis.
Today after treatment, she told me: thank you for your treatment for such a long time. I felt a lot more energy and headaches are gone.
I felt embarrassed that this “little problem” has taken such several years to treat.
If she gave up two years ago, then we would not have arrived here today.
If she gave up one year ago, then we would not have arrived here today.
What would have happened without successful treatment? Premature aging definitely.
I thank her for her trust and patience. She paid herself for weekly treatments. She never asked me: why are the symptoms not gone already? when could the treatment start to work?
As a doctor, I often asked these questions myself. Why did effective treatment on others not seem to work on her? As a result, I tweaked treatment regimen many times during the course of several years.
I also thought, should I refer to another doctor who could help her better? But then, I decided against it too.
This case worked due to trust and persistence, hence “the doctor-patient relationship takes affinity”.
There are also many other similar cases.
© Ma’s Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Discussion of Honeysuckle Flower
June 10, 2019
Answers by Dr. Shouchun Ma
Translated by Mei Zhou
Dr. Ma: Pomegranate flower, Honey Suckle Flower, flowers of my hometown!
Question: It’s so nice to see your pomegranate flowers and honeysuckle flowers By the way, how to make honeysuckle tea? Do you just pick the flowers and dry them, or do they need to be processed? Do you pick the yellow flowers or the white ones? Do you use the buds?
Dr. Ma: Good questions! It’s best to dry honey suckle flowers in shaded area. Try to avoid exposing them under the scorching sun. The white flowers are the best if picked when still buds, but will bloom right after they are picked and exposed under the sun.
Chinese medicine believes that honeysuckle detox the body, especially for the head, throat sores and swelling, also effective for acne. It can relief skin allergy in the head and face too!
I can also let you in on a secret that you can’t find in any books! Honeysuckle refreshment can prevent memory loss and insomnia, in other words, it prevent dementia effectively. This is because the brain is “clear land”, afraid of phlegm, afraid of heat, afraid of wet, afraid of stasis. Honeysuckle helps rise up into brain, its fragrance dissolves humidity and turbidity, also clear heat without upsetting the stomach. It helps people stay clear headed, and it can enhance memory and prevent brain function degradation.
Question: That’s great! To treat acne for youth, should it be taken as tea? How much of it should be taken per day? Will it cause uncomfortable in the stomach if taken too much?
Dr. Ma: The flower is sweet cool,won’t upset the stomach like bitter cold medicine would. It is best to take 10g per dose, and 30g at the maximum.
Question: Only the white buds can be used, not the yellow ones?
Dr. Ma: The yellow ones can be used, just not as effective. Honeysuckle is an elegant and effective traditional Chinese medicine. It grows very well in North America, but it takes time to pick.
Question: Without drying, can you make tea with freshly picked flowers?
Dr. Ma: Yes. The fresh ones are even better! If you have the time to make honeysuckle dew with the flower and tender branches, it’s very beneficial to your health.
Question: How do you make honeysuckle dew?
Answer1: the honeysuckle dew is purified honeysuckle water. You can use a distiller if you want to do it yourself, like the used in middle school labs. Dew normally means purified. If this is too inconvenient, you can also reduce the liquid by boiling it on low heat.
Answer2: Honey Silver Flower Dew
Main ingredients: honeysuckle,
Auxiliary ingredients: honey
Efficacy: Clear away heat and detoxify, moisten intestine and purgative
Materials and Production:
Honeysuckle 50 grams, and 50 grams of honey. Put honeysuckle into the pot, boiling on low heat, extract juice. Take a bowl of honeysuckle juice 2 times a day, add 25 grams of honey, and stir well.
Efficacy and taboo
Clear away heat and poison, moisten bowel and unblock bowels. It is suitable for constipation patients with excess heat.
Dr. Wu:It’s best not to boil honeysuckle for long time. Boiling for longer than 10 mins will destroy the aroma of the flower. If can’t be distilled, better drink it directly as tea.
Question:Do you put it in water of 70 – 80 degree celsius, like you do with normal tea?
Dr. Wu: You can even use boiling water. Putting it in boiling water for 5 to 10 mins is fine.
问: 马医生,看到你的石榴花金銀花,真好!順便問一下怎麼做金銀花茶?就收下來晒旱就行嗎,還是要加工?選金花銀花還是未開的花?
马医生@小貓 很好的问题,又可以啰嗦几句了。金银花阴干为好,不在烈日下直晒。最好是将开未开的白色花蕾。但要注意掌握,摘时未开,一晒就开了。
@梅 金银花甘凉,不象苦寒药伤胃,一般10克为宜,不超过30克。
@怡Yiོ༻ 黄色花亦可用,功效弱一些而已。
怡@闲云 学习了[Salute][Salute][Salute]请问如果不干燥,刚摘下来的新鲜金银花可以直接泡茶吗?
@闲云 觉得以前一些事好好笑,而且现在觉得是一种美好、有趣、愉悦的回忆
@闲云 第一次听您把金银花讲得如此清楚,对金银花也有了更多的了解,自己以前有很多误区,看来偶尔泡点金银花是不错的饮品,谢谢您的讲解[Coffee]
@小貓 金銀花露就是提純了的金銀花水,要自己做的話,就是要用蒸餾器,就是我們中學實驗室那種簡單的都可以。
@小貓 金銀花露就是提純了的金銀花水,要自己做的話,就是要用蒸餾器,就是我們中學實驗室那種簡單的都可以。
@春夏秋冬 @Lisa @小貓 最好不要熬制,如果不能蒸馏,就直接泡水喝为宜,因为沸腾10分钟后金银花的芳香成分就挥发掉了
@闲云 马寿椿 马叔叔好!金银花预防老年痴呆,受教了,谢谢![Rose][Rose][Rose][Fight]
@吴俊梅 謝謝,是不是像泡綠茶一樣,7,80度的水泡泡就行了?
© Ma’s Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Discussion about Dampness
Deep Dive into Traditional Chinese Medicine
Discussion about Dampness
Written by Dr. Shouchun Ma
Translated by Jialing Liu
这些问题,大家都知道一些,但又是似而非。书上也讲了,你可以一字不漏地背下来,但仍然会是似而非,所以闲云用了“说透”二字。下面一个一个问题的谈。湿有内外之分,本文主要讨论内湿。 希望大家一起讨论,各抒己见。因为湿和我们健康长寿太相关了。
What is dampness?
Where does it come from? How does it form?
Where does dampness exist in our body?
How would you know if you have dampness in your body?
How to treat and prevent dampness?
You may answer some of the above questions, getting some idea from textbooks, but you may still not clear with all of them. Let’s have some deep thinking on this. I will discuss all these questions in detail. There are two types of dampness: inside and outside. Here we only mention the inside dampness. It is a very important issue with our longevity. I would like to have you all to join the discussion of this topic.
What is dampness? (1)
Dampness is a kind of liquid, a toxic liquid in our body. Athlete’s foot with yellow, smelled sticky exudation is one kind of dampness. Exudation of eczema is another type of dampness. Dampness can hide in any place inside of body and it’s hard to get rid of it.
Dampness is a production of diet metabolism which can cause disease. We call it secondary pathogen.
Dampness is lingering and it is hard to be fully treated.
Dampness is heavy turbid, and usually stay in patient’s lower body and joints.
Dampness can transform to phlegm. We call it dampness phlegm.
Dampness can grab with other pathogens or toxins easily, making them stay inside the body, hard to get rid of. For example, dampness combines with cold comes cold dampness; with heat comes heat dampness; with wind comes wind dampness; with toxin calls toxin dampness; with stasis comes stasis dampness, etc.
West medicine hasn’t defined dampness yet. There is no disease named by dampness, nor corresponding treatment.
Where does dampness come from? (2)
Dampness comes from our food and drink. Instead of being out of body, the waste of the metabolism stays in our body forms dampness.
All the organs of our body are involved in our diet metabolism. Spleen plays the most important role with dampness forming.
Spleen does two jobs. First, spleen digests and absorbs, then transports all the essence from food to nourish all over the body. During the transportation, the waste should be excreted through SanJiao (Triple Burner, an organ system regulates the flow of energy through the organs). It can be excreted from sweating, urination, bowl movement, tear, saliva, or through skin or breathing.
If your spleen is week, or you eat too much, your spleen can only do the first job which is digests and absorbs without do the second one job – transportation. Dampness stays in your body. You may gain weight, become weak or frail, and think slow.
Where does dampness exist in our body? (3)
In TCM, the spleen is in charge of abdomen, muscle, and limbs, and those places are also where dampness likes to stay.
Beside those places, dampness can stay almost everywhere in our body, for example, skin, muscle, tendon, bone, blood vessel, organs, head and brain, you name it. Sanjiao is the pathway of dampness. Dampness can cause various symptoms, such as, but not limited to the following:
- If dampness stays at the skin, itching may occur
- If dampness stays in the head and brain, you may feel drowsy and sleepy
- If dampness stays in the muscle, you may feel heavy
- If dampness blocks the lung, coughing and whizzing may occur repeatedly
- If dampness stays in the stomach, it may cause nausea, vomiting, and stomach bloating
- If dampness stays in the liver, jaundice, poor appetite and aversion to fatty food may occur
- If dampness stays in the spleen, stomachache, stomach bloating, diarrhea with blood or pus may occur
- If dampness stays in the lower body, pudendal itchy, vaginal discharge, turbid urine or bloody urine may occur
When dampness blocks an area, the body qi can’t warm it, and the blood can’t nourish it. Cysts or tumors will be the result if the dampness blocks too long.
One thing that should be pointed out is that according to “Huangdineijing”, an ancient TCM classic work, the dampness is able to get in and stay inside vessels. Based on this theory, we need to consider the spleen as well as dampness when treat cardiovascular disease. In fact, dampness, phlegm, and qi stagnation are always the pathogenesis of this kind of disease.
Some TCM doctors who study western medicine believe that blood stasis is the cause of cardiovascular disease, which leads them to use herbs DanSheng and SanQi to quick the blood and transform the stasis. However, this belief is due to a lack of grasp on western medicine concepts. Even western medicine doesn’t consider cardiovascular disease as blood stasis, but plaque build-up in vessels. In TCM, we consider plaque build-up as dampness or phlegm. Blood stasis happens during the process of hemostasis after injury while the temporary blockage formed by planet plug.
Dr. Ma believes that this error will be recognized sooner or later, but it will come at the cost of years of mistreatment.
How would you know if you have dampness in your body? (4)
It is not that difficult to distinguish dampness. Even a quick look can help us notice that. Patient may have one or more of the following: puffiness, swollen eyelids, yellow or red sclera, oily bright red face, swollen tongue with teeth mark, sticky tongue fur. Some of the patients come with special body smell which is easy sign for experienced practitioner.
Patients with dampness can also have sleep saliva, slow thinking, drowsiness when reading, heaviness in the body, and no desire to do physical exercise. They may drop activities easily due to feeling tired.
If the dampness moves inside the body, there are several exits. Skin is one of the exits to outside. Patient with this type of dampness will have itchy skin or exudate on and off. After several times, it becomes a natural path of dampness and the skin problem will happen repeatedly. This is the reason why dampness is lingering. Same reason, if the dampness goes downward, symptoms will appear in the vulva or toes; if go upward, sleeping saliva appears.
If the dampness doesn’t move, it will stay inside causing drowsiness, sleepiness, tiredness, heaviness in the body, stomach bloating or abdominal bloating, and wheezing or panting.
Patients with dampness who lack the right treatment can cause permanent physical change to one’s body constitution. Lingering dampness may cause many chronic diseases such as cancer.
© Ma’s Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Chinese Fable — Qui Fu Treatment of Ghost
Written by Dr. Shouchun Ma
Translated by Lenna Xie
一一故事新编 (闲云)
Chinese Fable — Qui Fu Treatment Ghost
A long time ago, there was a famous Chinese doctor, named Qui Fu. His healing ability was so widely known that patients travelled from around the world to seek his treatment.
One night, Qui Fu heard a sobbing sound and voice crying for his help to alleviate severe back pain. However, when Qui Fu opened his door, he saw no one.
To his surprised, he heard a voice utter: “I am a ghost. You can’t see me but please help me.” Qui Fu replied: “I treat human beings – not ghosts. Please leave me alone” and went inside his house. The sobbing sound continued for quite a while, but then subsided.
Three days later, he again heard the sad moaning of the ghost and asked:” I am a human being and you are a ghost. I even cannot see you. How then can I treat you?” The ghost said that you are an ingenious doctor and surely haves some extraordinary power to heal me. After mulling over the ghost’s predicament for several days, Qui Fu contrived a method for treating the ghost.
When the ghost returned, he obtained his name and then constructed a straw man bearing the ghost’s name. After a ceremonial ritual, he used his needles to perform acupuncture on the straw man’s body as though he were treating a human. The following day, a man appeared at his door. He told him that his back pain was gone and expressed deep gratitude for the treatment. Before Qui Fu could ask for his identity, the man disappeared before his eyes.
From then, Qui Fu became even better doctor, healing patient as though he had been endowed with magical powers.
The moral of the story: A traditional Chinese doctor not only needs to have conventional knowledge, he must also profoundly comprehend his knowledge and most important, apply his knowledge wisely. Then, he can even cure a ghost.
© Ma’s Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
Chatting About Tea
Chatting about Tea
Written by Dr. Ma, Shouchun
Translated by Jenny Zhang
Tea is part of Chinese culture. There are so many papers that can be written about tea. What I’m talking about is based on my own experience and understanding. It is neither contained in a book, nor built upon a particular theory.
Tea has chi, which is nourishing portion of qi that makes up the air water that we drink, and taste. Its chi is fresh and light, which can boost your mental clarity, soothe your mind, and nourish your eye. Its taste is bitter and convergent. In addition to curing diarrhea, drinking tea can help one to stay hydrated.
Therefore, timing is essential to tea consumption. In order to get chi from tea, it is good to drink it three to five minutes after the start of infusion. If you wait too long, the taste still stays, but chi is gone.
Adding a little of goji berries and dry chrysanthemum in your tea can bring significant benefits to your eyes. When you have a headache, you can drink one or two cups of hot tea which warms up your whole body and cause slight sweating, then your headache will ease quickly. This is only for occasional headaches, not ones caused by brain tumors.
In the morning, if you want to cheer up and to be clear-minded, or prepare for a long drive, don’t eat porridge or drink milk, don’t eat too much. You can stay energized throughout the day by having one cup of hot tea, two slices of bread and one egg.
There are many varieties of tea. Which one is better? You don’t have to look for an answer from books, because you will be dazzled by what you read and still cannot decide which one is good for you. One simple method can help you to figure it out: the best tea for you is the one you feel the most comfortable. You don’t have to go to the bathroom frequently, and can sleep well at night.
In short, I hope this chat can help you. There are a lot of ways to stay in good health. The old sayings is “knowledge getting from books might be perfunctory and depthless, but experiences can help you to have profound and thorough understanding about your body and health”.
© Ma’s Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, 2025. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.